Top 5
Decide on top 5 career choices (industry sector, job function, geography, compensation, and org culture)
REVIEW and EDIT Your top 5 choices and priorities
, if necessary 5 mins
Net Zero
Recognize changes that various industries and countries will be required to make to achieve Net Zero emissions
by Nan Ransohoff (January 2021)
10 mins
In Small Group
Net Zero
Recognize changes that various industries and countries will be required to make to achieve Net Zero emissions
READ relevant chapter from Speed and Scale and review their In Small Group
Value Proposition
Articulate a strong value proposition targeted to a target audience in a 30 second elevator pitch
DELIVER your elevator pitch as an introduction to your new group
Net Zero
Recognize changes that various industries and countries will be required to make to achieve Net Zero emissions
READ by International Energy Agency Pre-Work
Net Zero
Recognize changes that various industries and countries will be required to make to achieve Net Zero emissions
EXPLORE other sources based on your specific topic
Net Zero
Recognize changes that various industries and countries will be required to make to achieve Net Zero emissions
Top 5
Decide on top 5 career choices (industry sector, job function, geography, compensation, and org culture)
Value Proposition
Articulate a strong value proposition targeted to a target audience in a 30 second elevator pitch
by Bill Barnett in Harvard Business Review (2011)
5 mins