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Symbiosis Curriculum

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Week 5: Mitigation III - Sectoral Analysis

Logistics (All Times Pacific)

Cohort 1 Dates
Cohort 1 Duration
Zoom Info
Week 5
4/24/2024, 9:00 AM
1 hr
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Learning Objectives

Value Proposition
Articulate a strong value proposition targeted to a target audience in a 30 second elevator pitch
Values and Beliefs
Defend your own values and beliefs about the climate crisis
Market Segmentation
Assess the evolving market segmentation of ClimateTech and areas of growth

Week 5 Small Group Meeting Agenda (60 Minutes)

Meeting Part
Part Duration
Meeting Activities
Part 1
10 mins
Each student introduces themselves using an “elevator pitch” and sharing their initial thoughts re their top 5 choices
Part 2
30 mins
Small Group Discussion
Which sectors will have to change the most to achieve Net Zero by 2050? By how much?
Which countries will have to reduce emission, by how much, and when?
How much carbon dioxide in the aggregate will have to be removed from the atmosphere? How? What are your reactions and reflections from this first week’s readings/media?
Part 3
20 mins
Prepare a 10 Minute Presentation to Share Next Week
Develop a 10 minute presentation on your chosen ClimateTech sector using the following guiding questions:
How will this sector contribute to Net Zero?
What are the leading technologies/approach to achieve this change?
Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for your chosen sector
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Week 5 Assignments

Following are your assignments (before your small group meeting and in your small group). Please Submit each assignment by scoring the assignment (1-5 stars) and write down a few takeaways. This will mark the item as Done.

Learning Objectives
Submit Assignment
Values and Beliefs
Defend your own values and beliefs about the climate crisis
READ by Nadia Asparouhova
35 mins
Submit Assignment
Market Segmentation
Assess the evolving market segmentation of ClimateTech and areas of growth
by HolonIQ (September 2023)
10 mins
Submit Assignment
Market Segmentation
Assess the evolving market segmentation of ClimateTech and areas of growth
EXPLORE the for your chosen sector
Submit Assignment
Market Segmentation
Assess the evolving market segmentation of ClimateTech and areas of growth
EXPLORE additional resources based on your specific sectoral strategy
Submit Assignment
In Small Group
Value Proposition
Articulate a strong value proposition targeted to a target audience in a 30 second elevator pitch
INTRODUCE yourself to your new small group by delivering your elevator pitch
Submit Assignment
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Week 5 Additional Resources to Learn More

by MCJ Collective
by Bloomberg
podcast by Wood Mackenzie
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