Learning Community
Get to know the fellow members of your learning community
SELF-SELECT first small group above.
1 min
Presentation for Fire.
Natural Systems
Analyze the impact and scale of natural systems changes due to the climate crisis
9 mins 32 secs
Implicatory Denial - alarming trend towareds denialism.
Natural Systems
Analyze the impact and scale of natural systems changes due to the climate crisis
READ in The Guardian (July 2022) 5 mins
UK homes not prepared for upcoming ‘hothouse.’ Ignorance and poor governance allows inappropriate building to continue.
Climate Models
Evaluate the predictions of climate models for increases in temperature and impacts on natural systems
15 mins
Overall, climate models have predicted fairly well.
Human Systems
Analyze the impact that natural systems changes will have on human systems
13 mins 30 secs
Wildfires will impact housing and development in Southwest region.
Human Systems
Analyze the impact that natural systems changes will have on human systems
by World Economic Forum (June 2021)
7 mins
Could lose 10-18% of our GDP by 2050. China at risk of 24% loss of GDP.
Natural Systems
Analyze the impact and scale of natural systems changes due to the climate crisis
LISTEN to one fictional account of natural systems collapse based on your selection of small group (links are above)
Learned that firenados are real.
Top 5
Decide on top 5 career choices (industry sector, job function, geography, compensation, and org culture)
COMPLETE Your initial (Don’t worry, this is just your starting thinking which will evolve) 5 mins
Industry - Ag Tech / Consulting; Job Function - Chief of Staff/PM/Client-facing; Geography- LA, Culture - Collaborative, SME